Writing on Both Sides of the Brain: Breakthrough Techniques for People Who Write


A revolutionary approach to writing that will teach you how to express yourself fluently and with confidence for the rest of your life.

Offers advice on improving one’s writing and editing skills, suggests useful exercises, and discusses writer’s block, procrastination, revision, and techniques for generating new ideas.


Still going strong after more than 20 years, Writing on Both Sides of the Brain is considered a classic in the field. Now in its 27th printing, it is used in universities and colleges across the country as well as heralded by many writers who still find motivation and inspiration in its pages. Concepts apply to business writing as well, and will resonate with anyone who has to write as part of his or her job and hates it.


The best book about writing I’ve come across. What more to say? I have had my copy for years and read it over and over again (and I am a professional writer). I buy it and give it as a present often. I’d recommend this book to any beginning writer, or anyone who needs a jump start now and again (don’t we all?!).

Reader - USA

Life-changing. Literally and definitely life-changing! I had always wanted to write but simply could get nowhere. A mind full of ideas that would flow when on the freeway, in the shower, etc., would run dry in moments after my fingers hit the keyboard. Frustrating! Then I read Writing on Both Sides of the Brain and attended Dr. Henriette Anne Klauser’s half-day seminar by the same name. That did it. I’m now an award-winning novelist (Turn Back Time and two other novels written with my daughter, Lisa Kay Hauser) and have four published children’s picture books, with two more to be published this year and I get to speak in schools all across the nation. All of this in eight years. If you want to write but just can get moving or continue moving get this book! Put it in you shopping cart right away. Its practical insights, encouraging words, and how-to-do-it-now tips could bring you the deep satisfaction and rich rewards of being a person who can Put Your Heart on Paper. That last phrase is also the title of a book by Dr. Klauser. Happy and successful writing to you!

Philip Dale Smith - Tacoma, WA

Love this book! I’m a writer by trade, and I read this for the first time when I was still unpublished. I found it enormously encouraging, and it’s still the book I go to when I’m tearing my hair out. It acknowledges how tough writing is, and it rewards you and me for the stumbling steps we take to get better at it. Plus, it gives us powerful weapons to use against that critical monster who lives in our brain! I recommend it all the time.

Reader - New York

A delightful book on unlocking the creative genie in you. More than just a bag of tricks, this brief work shows the reader how to get control of his internal critic (left brain) so that the creative right brain can do its magic.

D. W. Harper - Huntsville, AL